Through the Reading and Literacy Clinic, Ms. Lowell offers teacher training and professional development programs for public schools. Topics include reading research or the Science of Reading; reading instruction; and identification, remediation, and accommodation of reading disorders and dyslexia.

An expert in dyslexia, reading disorders, and reading instruction, Susan C. Lowell has been a speaker, symposium chair, and keynote speaker at national and international conferences. Ms. Lowell provides consultation in literacy, research-to-practice presentations, and college accredited courses on site at U.S. and international schools. As an adjunct professor, Ms. Lowell taught graduate level courses on reading research, the science of reading, and assessment of reading disorders at Simmons University and Bay Path University. She also worked as an adjunct instructor with Buffalo State University and State University of New York’s M.A. program for teachers in the American International Schools for the U.S. Department of State. The course, Teaching Reading in the International Schools, is typically taught on site at the international schools. Ms. Lowell provides professional development and international school consultations in research-based reading instruction and literacy and serves as an Associate to the Advisory Committee on Exceptional Children of the Office of Overseas Schools for the U.S. Department of State.